Easy 404 Page for Blogger

Friday, January 15, 2016 Unknown 1 Comments

Give Readers A Reason To Stay

No one wants to admit it but we all get it. Yes the evil 404 page. Something broke or went missing and no one knows why! You can get irritated, try again, or just give up. 

How many people put thought into their 404 error page? Lot's of websites with lot's of bloggers but how many of you have thought about your readers and 404 errors?

On Blogger it truly takes only takes a few minutes to create a custom 404 error page. Why not give your readers a reason to stay? A little giggle is all they need to keep on reading. 

First off start looking for an image.  That will probably be the most time consuming part of this little job. You can search for  picture that already says 404 error or you can find just a picture you like or even use a picture of your adorable cat. :)  We all have paint so once you find that picture you can add any text you want to it via paint or any other program. 

Once you get that perfect picture done you need to create a new post on Blogger. Once you're on your new post give it a title like 404 Do Not Delete!  After that select insert picture. Once you insert that picture, save and following that select the HTML of your post.  Copy all that code and close your post.

Now off to Settings, Search Preference and there you will find Custom Page Not Found.  Select Edit and insert the code from your image. Now enter this code after the code from your image.

<script type = "text/javascript">
BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
location.pathname= "/"
}, 9500);

This little code will redirect anyone who lands on your 404 error page after a set amount of time to your home page.  Mine is set to 9500 but you can change that number to anything you like.  You can test your 404 error page by going to your home page and adding /404 to the end of your url. It will look like this. http://numinousgirl.blogspot.com/404  You can try mine out to see how it works and how something so simple can add a big change.

If you end up making up your own 404 image please come back and share them.  Would love to see all the creative and cute ideas everyone comes up with.  If you don't mind sharing them I'll add it with a link to your Blog.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Delia ! can you share your menu script with me plz? i need this because i have much post to share and the sub menu is important for this.


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