I F**ked Up My Tweet!
I have never been much of a Tweeter or much of any social network. My life was diapers, sleepless nights, work, dinner, laundry and so on. Pretty much I had nothing to Tweet.
I recently got back into the world of Tweeting. I hardly Tweet but hopefully with my new blog I'll have more reason to use it now. "followers are always welcomed"
The other day I finally decided to tweet something from my blog. This was the first thing I had ever Tweeted for my blog so it was a big deal for me. I got an image of the top portion of my post and was actually excited about finally sharing my little blog. So I thought I wrote the perfect thing for my Tweet, had the link and image. I hit Tweet and thought I was done.
I all of the sudden got a message saying my Tweet was Retweeted twice with people I didn't know! Someone liked my Tweet. I went back to Twitter to look at my post and I SAW IT! MY BIG FAT HUGE MISTAKE! ok it might have been small but to me it was HUGE! I quickly clicked on my Tweet and searched for edit. Where's EDIT! Why can't I edit my Tweet! I couldn't delete it because it got shared.
I had just taken my first baby step into coding. That's what my Tweet was about. That crazy language that makes everything work. That's has to be able to help me? So I right clicked my Tweet and selected source. The scary world behind everything came up. Trust me it totally makes no sense to me at all but I had just learned about
Hold down ctrl, select F
Hold down command, select F
I did it,mthe search box showed up and I typed in a word from my Tweet.. I found my horrible mistake within all that code. I started clicking on that horrible mistake in frustration to only realize I had total access to it. OMG I CAN CHANGE IT! I tried it and it worked! My Tweet changed right away. I wonder what else this world of HTML can do for me?
Now I need to get back to my 50 plus hours of trying to get a drop down menu to work for me.
still blogging andy w