Making Money from Google and Affiliates
Making Money, Can it really be done.Actually.. Yes.. How much depends on what type of strategies you look into and deploy.
The biggest place to start if your interested in making money off the internet is to pick a topic.
a. you know a lot about.
b. you currently work in this area of information, which will allow you to gather the much needed content.
Setup a Google Adsense Account
Setup a google adsense account. This takes a few mins.
Once you have the account you can start to create javascript that will insert PPC ads on your site.
Natural Search
Topic choice is a large component to this, due to content. Content will help you build your site, that content will help the natural search engines find you, and then send referrals - vistors your way. Great Content is a start to any site, as it will gain free vistor traffic. Traffic the you didn't have to pay for is always the best traffic.
Google Adwords
Now that you have your site, some content, you've submitted the sites to every search engine you possible can think of and find. You might decide to try a advertising campaign. You will want to create a Google Adwords Account.
Once your account is created, try looking for keywords related to your content that will rank for .01 a click. Until you gain traffic, and the hang of it. Remember to limit your daily click/fee limits.
traffic = Click Conversions = money from Google.
Making Money from Affiliates
There are a few affiliate companies but http:\\ has a good selection of affiliates and EBAY uses them..
You need to apply to the affiliate companies through cj and then you can get the banners,link and product links from CJ. They manage the click, and sales and have a nice reporting application.