Page Not Found

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

Okay.. so I wasted a day trying to figure out why all my asp websites would return PAGE NOT FOUND error pages on a Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0 server.

Well.. 2003 first of all doesn't install IIS 6.0 as default.. so you must go to the application setup and add it from the windows components .. have your I386 source available.

Next.. IIS6.0 has it's security portion that turns off all Web Services and Extension other than ASP.Net turned off. So you must set the ASP pages to "ALLOW" in the IIS Management Console go to the web services and click ASP Server Pages and click the ALLOW button.

Ok.. so now pages with .asp run. but now I get a 500 error.. guess what.. map path and JS is turned off too.. yeah. So to fix server side code go to the properties of the root site and under the home directory tab, by application pool click configure. You need to turn on scripting.. it's defaulted to VB script but it's not checked.. that will allow and server side JS or VBS to run once checked.

Now the pain is over and my sites are running. I now just need to move my SQL Database over. It's the whole SQL server I need to do.. Objects and all. So it's easy.. just install SQL on new server. Make sure services are off on both servers and copy the progam files\sql server directory to the new server.. start the service instance on the new server and as you say "Bob's your uncle" the objects, keys and data are all over..

Fun Fun Fun.


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