Rich Pins For Pinterest

Monday, January 25, 2016 Unknown 0 Comments

Rich Pins show metadata right on the Pin itself, giving Pinners a richer experience and increasing engagement. Information in a Rich Pin is independent of the Pin description, ensuring that important information is always tied to the Pin. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: app, article, movie, place, product and recipe Pins.

In other words people can Pin the picture on your website or they can Pin the details about your picture too.  Adding little tags to your data makes all the difference in search engines. Your website has everything but without helping out a search engine most of it can get lost.  This works for Pinterest too.

If you've completed the steps to on Twitter Cards That Work For Bloggers then you're only one or two lines away of code from getting Pinterest set up.

If you've verified your website already with Pinterest your only one line of code away from getting this done. If you haven't verified your website you'll have to do that first via your profile on Pinterest.

Go to your Pinterest and on the right hand side you'll see Edit Profile.
Window Pops Up and at the bottom you have an option to enter your website.  Once done you'll get a code that looks something like this.

<meta content='395e8062748c595216c500d8cc7c33a3' name='p:domain_verify'/> which you will need to also enter over </head>    (make note that the code given might only have this > at the end. It will need />)  Please don't directly use this code. Your own website will have it's own unique id number.  I'm just using mine as an example which are the numbers in BOLD.

So back to HTML. As always I suggest you backup. It only takes a few seconds.

Template = Edit HTML

Once in HTML you'll have to search for </head>
Click inside the HTML window and

Hold down ctrl, select F

Hold down command, select F

Just above </head>  enter

<meta content='article' property='og:type'/>

You'll have to include your verification code you got from Pinterest in the same area too. Now save!

Once saved you'll have to Validate your Rich Pins For Pinterest at  Validator Pinterest
If everything went well you should be done.  This is for the Article Pins.  I've yet to play around with the other options but when I do I will update it in this post.

I'm always here to help so if you need it I'm just one message away.


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